Parent Code of Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct S23
One of the traditional swim team communication gaps is that some parents feel more comfortable in discussing their disagreements or issues concerning coaching ability, philosophy, or team policies with other parents rather than taking them directly to the coach or the board. This approach often results in new problems being created, and rarely resolves the initial problem. This approach will not be tolerated. Parents shall refrain from gossip with other parents and all swimmers, including their own.
Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
In order to show positive support and actions towards The Coves Swim Team, its parents, swimmers, coaches, officials and other members in daily activities.
I pledge:
-To discuss with and assist my child in understanding the Swimmer Code of Conduct.
-To nurture my child in swimming. I will instill an understanding of and appreciation for self-esteem, personal accountability, self-discipline, goal setting and goal achievement.
-To ensure my child is on time to all practices and meets.
-To pick my child up from practice on time.
-To read team communication.
-To adhere to all deadlines, including deadlines to submit meet entries.
-To stay off of the pool deck during practice or remain in bleachers. If I must remove my child from practice early, I will do so only during a time that is least intrusive. If I must speak to the coach, I will do so only after the conclusion of the scheduled practice times. I will not interfere with the coaches on the pool deck.
-To demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting myself in a manner that earns the respect of my child, other swimmers, parents, officials, and the coaches at the meets and practices. I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures towards the coaches, officials, volunteers, and/or any participating swimmer will not be permitted.
-To never challenge an Official’s decision at a meet. If I have a question or concern, I will ask the coach to raise the issue with the Official.
-Not to coach or instruct the team or any swimmer at practice or meets (from the stands or any other area) or interfere with the coaches on the pool deck while performing their job. I will maintain self control at all times.
-To supervise my child during meets.
-To direct my concerns to first to the Head Coach; then, if not satisfied, to the appropriate supervisor.
I will also adhere to the Recreation Division Code of Conduct.
The City of Plano Parks and Recreation Department expects recreation center employees and patrons to treat one another with courtesy and respect in all interactions. These values are key to supporting our mission of enriching Plano by providing inviting spaces, caring services, outstanding value, and memorable experiences.
We expect all employees and patrons to:
• Respect other participants, City staff, and volunteers.
• Cooperate with City staff in maintaining safety and order.
• Demonstrate courtesy even when others do not.
• Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline.
• Respect the property of others, including City property and facilities.
Refrain from:
• Any behavior that would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of others.
• Unacceptable behavior; to include, but not limited to: use of profanity, vulgarity, racial slurs, obscene gestures, arguing, or other disruptive conduct or encourage others to do so.
• Fighting, physical abuse, threats, or harassment.
I understand the above expectations and that my failure to adhere to them may result in disciplinary action which may include temporary suspension or permanent removal from the team.